hi helm / terrific blog / enjoyedthe photosi see / you are / toomaster of the slashes //lolcould it be / canadiana ???~jennx
So good to read you again and see your wonderful photos.
Hello Jenn,Yes, photography, one of my other passions, along with literature and music. Thanks for dropping by.The slash / yes / very Canadian.We've been a divided / countryfor so long / why shouldn'tour sentences / al / so be divided?Paula,As Shisa asked, where have you been :)? The photography, just practicing up for Norway and perhaps Iceland, or, well, we'll see.Helm.
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hi helm /
terrific blog / enjoyed
the photos
i see / you are / too
master of the slashes //
could it be / canadiana ???
So good to read you again and see your wonderful photos.
Hello Jenn,
Yes, photography, one of my other passions, along with literature and music. Thanks for dropping by.
The slash / yes / very Canadian.
We've been a divided / country
for so long / why shouldn't
our sentences / al / so be divided?
As Shisa asked, where have you been :)? The photography, just practicing up for Norway and perhaps Iceland, or, well, we'll see.
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